posted under by Sudarshan J
I Live...

I live in a cyclone, one that is relentless in it's fury,
One that is gentle to look at, from a distance.

I live in a strike of lightning, one that always strikes at the same place,
One that lightens everything up, if only for a moment.

I live in an avalanche, one that keeps boring down upon me,
One that never leaves it's job undone.

I live in a sandstorm, one that blinds me at inopportune moments,
One that makes every direction, direction less.

I live in a balloon, from which air may ebb out ever so slow,
Or just be gone in one short and painless moment.

I live in a book, one that doesn't have an author,
One that has only hope written all over it.

I live in space, one that is boundless,
One that is tranquil and frightening.

I live in time, one that waits for none,
One that none wait for.

I live in water, one that never quenches my thirst,
One that never keeps me afloat.

I live in gravity, one that keeps pulling me down,
One that never changes it's direction.

I live as one, one that is a no one,
One that no one ever is.

I live...


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