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pseud putter
by Sudarshan J

And once you are in...
If you have followed all the points in the earlier post, you should be on your way to becoming a successful pseud putter at IITM. But it's tough, very tough to stay in the brotherhood once you are in, because you have to fight your natural instinct and try to do things in a 'different' way. Here are some pointers on what to do and what not to do...
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Wondering what the code is?
You are supposed to know everything, remember? At least, act as if you do!
That was a small test to see how well you have grasped and understood the basics. And you have failed, miserably. Start all over again!!
- Don't talk to strangers. By strangers, I mean the non-pseud putters. So, if you are seen with every Tom, Dick and Harry, the brotherhood will make sure you will be left with only Tom and Harry , and cut Dick out (You get what I mean??).
- It's not enough that you cock the cock, it also is important how you cock the cock. Never speak clearly except when on stage, or in sleep. It's important that you rush the words outta your mouth, stringing words together and using IITM lingo more than required. Blink only twice while speaking the whole sentence (Yes, just twice!!).
- Talking about Linkin' Park's new album will get you nowhere. Linkin' Park is common man's music. Make sure you know some arbitrary bands, with names that no one can relate to, and music that no one has ever heard of. And wherever you go, make sure you keep mentioning this band's name from time to time, lest you forget.
- When you attend a phone call, make sure you look at the caller's name, blink thrice, wonder out aloud what he/she could want from you, then pick up the call and shout out the person's name, so that anybody who missed out the fact that you are talking to a very important guy will get to know of it.
- If something surprising or shocking happens, no jaw dropping and gawking. You always know it, or expect it.
- As someone pointed out in my previous post, make sure you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. If you don't (Or can't!), don't make them up, because handling two made up characters is tough, even for you (One of them is of course, you!!).
- Bags. Make sure its filled up with something, so that it always looks full. And as mentioned earlier, it should reach your butt. Any general bag wouldn't do, it should be a labeled (i-carbon, Jansport, Footloose,Nike, etc.) one. And it shouldn't look like anyone else's bag here.
- You should always have something arbitrary in mind to speak out suddenly, so that if another pseud putter comes and asks you something, you should tell that arbitrary statement and start laughing immediately. Obviously, people around you will not get it, so, you can be assured of complete secrecy (Assuming you understand what you are saying!).
- You must use as much lingo as possible, no matter whether it's relevant or not. For example, if someone tells you,"Dude, that was a great movie right?", you should be ready with something that goes like,"Macha, sli fight only. Hazzar pain are there."
- The word Macha, is not to spelled or pronounced in the way guys usually do. Go rather for Machcha, or Macjha, or even Maqczha (With a silent q, of course!!), whichever suits you the best.
- Try to point out defects in everyone. If you can't, you can successfully pull it off by generally telling, "He's a bulb."
- Not laughing at another pseud putter's "joke" is a sacrilege, so, laugh all you can. It's easy, seeing that you won't understand and you can cover it up by laughing. So, laugh till tears come out of your eyes. But don't overdo it, as the other guy might ask you to repeat his jokes to others and you will be caught in the process.
- Make sure you sit on the edge of your seat in class, ready to jump up and give the answer before the prof completes the question. And ask doubts just for the heck of it.
- Don't try to behave stupid, like not understanding something. There is nothing in this world that eludes you, and you know everything. If you don't, act as if you do.
- When time comes, you will have to fill up an application form for Saarang. Here's a clue on what you have to fill: It is nothin' formal, staying your witty self helps (9).
- Knowing how to play a guitar is a must. If you don't know, you should at least be able to hold all 5 fingers in front of your crotch and make scratching actions. This is an absolute necessity, as it helps when you are standing in the front row of WM in Saarang (The insti monkeys gawking at you might be a little uncomfortable, but who cares??).
- Ah, before I forget. Never break the code.
If you still don't know what the code is, scroll down.
Wondering what the code is?
You are supposed to know everything, remember? At least, act as if you do!
That was a small test to see how well you have grasped and understood the basics. And you have failed, miserably. Start all over again!!