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pseud putter
by Sudarshan J

11 Ways to become a Pseud Putter at IITM
This is a very arbitrary topic I have chosen, because I seem to have this mental block about good topics to write on. Any resemblance to any character, living (or dead!!) is purely coincidental. And if u seem to think that your ways resemble some that are mentioned here, I can't help it, go change yourself if you are that bothered. So, without further ado, here I go....
- A very important thing, you should be able to emote through every part of your body(Being provocative helps in some cases!).
- A bag reaching your butt is a must, and it should sling around a lot. You should have it on your body at all times of the day, no matter where you go and what you do.
- Make sure your head is high up in the air, act as if you don't care about the lesser mortals around you.
- Your hands should be positioned in such a way that you can greet another PP(Pseud Putter!!) and at the same time, take out your cell phone and do some acrobatics with it like rotating it between your thumb and forefinger(Obviously you can't take the cell phone to call up or to attend a call, because an i-pod will be plugged to your ears).
- Wearing other accessories like sunglasses, caps, etc is your choice, as only you know what makes you look like "God".
- Make sure you do something (read weird!!) with your hair or mustache or beard. That's supposed to enhance your personality and take you into higher dimensions of .... whatever.
- You should have your own, characteristic and innovative way of greeting others, though I would personally recommend that you don't try giving the finger, or the Nazi salute.
- One of the prerequisites is to have at least an Apple i-pod, and to plug it into your ears, no matter where you go. If you are seen without those white wires hanging down your ears, you might be kicked outta the brotherhood.
- You must know how to talk the talk. Except in this case, it's how to cock the cock, or how to fart the fart.
- Due to their eternal fear of being spoken to or greeted by the lesser mortals, the brotherhood always moves in groups of more than 3, so that if the impending danger befalls them, they can start cocking the cock (If you still don't get it, read it as talking the talk!) and scare the attackers away.
- You must have the ability to take young, budding talent (Read freshies!) under your wing and try and develop them into something close to whatever you call yourself.
All said and done, pseud putters are very enthusiastic people, especially when it comes to literary activities and academics. They are determined individuals, who form an integral part of almost any activity in IITM.
Disclaimer: All characteristics described above are the essentials of a pseud putter, but it doesn't mean that a person having all those characteristics will necessarily be a pseud putter. And anyone having all those characteristics, but is not a pseud putter, Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap!!
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