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by Sudarshan J

This is just what the title proclaims it to be. Arbitrary ravings. I have a lot to rave and rant about. Who doesn't?
One of the main things bothering me this semester is acads. It bothers all of us, doesn't it? There is a difference though: This is the first semester where I feel I am not going to cup (or fail) in any course. In my previous 4 semesters, there has been at least one course where I felt I will surely cup, but I scraped through (Linear Algebra still gives me the jitters!). And this semester, I also have more than 95% attendance in all courses. The reason is not the new attendance rule, stupid as it might be. My department is in a corner of IITM, and our slots are usually one after the other. So, it is a pain to go there, bunk a class and come back all the way to the hostel.
Prof. Bhattacharya. Love him. No prof has used the word smart with me before. When it comes to adjectives and profs, the profs usually end up choosing the worst adjectives to describe me. This case was no different. He called me over-smart. For telling him that the answer is an approximate 0.9 (which was wrong, anyway!). When was the last time you had to write a leave letter? 10th standard in school might be the average answer. I was asked to write one, just because I bunked a class of his, the reason being a back sprain (Thanks a lot, mamme, for helping me with the format!!). Prof. Bhattacharya might fill up the entire blog, if I went on about him.
Prof. Surendran, Ph.D. Yokohoma, Japan. I see that on every handout he gives. I don't remember if he puts them on the question papers too. I always think of reminding him that every prof here is a Ph.D. A very nice prof, loves talking to his students. Laughs for anything but a joke, but keeps the class happy, and dazed. I don't understand whatever he teaches. I initially thought it was Korean, but later realized it was all Greek. Pains us a lot in the lab, but ends up giving ok marks. Gets excited at the thought of Korea, or Kochi. And he is one prof who makes even PK Nag (Thermodynamics) and RL Harrington (Marine Engineering) bed time story books. I doubt whether many profs could do that.
Toolie, my GenSec. Also known as Gandhi, mere Baap. A retarded individual who prefers reading yesterday's news today (Times of India!!). My best critic. Who else will have the audacity to wake me up on a fine Sunday morning to say that my sequel of the pseud putter blog "was an overkill, wasn't that great or funny!"?? Tells me whatever he wants to my face, knowing fully well that I could thrash him (I would hurt a fly rather than toolie!). Probably the best GenSec (I am expecting a treat for this!!) Tapti has ever had. Always on the lookout for them to break up, so that he could swoop in and sweep the lady off her legs. The swooping or the sweeping never has happened, and we doubt whether it will. Some say that he took up the cookery contest (yeah, you heard it right!!) coordship to impress the lady. Can someone please tell him that the saying is "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" and not the other way round? More light on him will be thrown in blogs to come.
Insti aka Vikram. My best friend for hundreds of miles. My live-in roommate for past some days. He claims that his girl scares the living daylights outta him. One of the main reasons why I was tagged gay in my first semester. And it's deja vu again!! Brainy chap. Eats very slow. You can have breakfast with him and then come back for lunch to see him finishing up his breakfast. Recently given the security coordship in Saarang. He looks anything but a security coord. Skinny, mental monkey, as someone describes him. He must have made more visits to a hospital than the Union Health Minister himself this year. Sources tell me that the doctors and the nurses miss him.
Ayush. I miss the vision, man. Shaastra and quizzes have kept him busy. I will blog the full vision speech someday.
Kannada, a lovely language. As I wasn't learning anything of value here, I thought I would go at least learn a few languages. Knowing Tamizh and Telugu is a big advantage when learning Kannada. But don't make mistakes, like the one I just made. I went and asked busty" Maga, snanagay Hogona??", which essentially translates to "Will you come to bathe with me??". I will be starting on "Learn Kannada in 30 days" after my quizzes end. Shall blog about the experiences soon.
One of the main things bothering me this semester is acads. It bothers all of us, doesn't it? There is a difference though: This is the first semester where I feel I am not going to cup (or fail) in any course. In my previous 4 semesters, there has been at least one course where I felt I will surely cup, but I scraped through (Linear Algebra still gives me the jitters!). And this semester, I also have more than 95% attendance in all courses. The reason is not the new attendance rule, stupid as it might be. My department is in a corner of IITM, and our slots are usually one after the other. So, it is a pain to go there, bunk a class and come back all the way to the hostel.
Prof. Bhattacharya. Love him. No prof has used the word smart with me before. When it comes to adjectives and profs, the profs usually end up choosing the worst adjectives to describe me. This case was no different. He called me over-smart. For telling him that the answer is an approximate 0.9 (which was wrong, anyway!). When was the last time you had to write a leave letter? 10th standard in school might be the average answer. I was asked to write one, just because I bunked a class of his, the reason being a back sprain (Thanks a lot, mamme, for helping me with the format!!). Prof. Bhattacharya might fill up the entire blog, if I went on about him.
Prof. Surendran, Ph.D. Yokohoma, Japan. I see that on every handout he gives. I don't remember if he puts them on the question papers too. I always think of reminding him that every prof here is a Ph.D. A very nice prof, loves talking to his students. Laughs for anything but a joke, but keeps the class happy, and dazed. I don't understand whatever he teaches. I initially thought it was Korean, but later realized it was all Greek. Pains us a lot in the lab, but ends up giving ok marks. Gets excited at the thought of Korea, or Kochi. And he is one prof who makes even PK Nag (Thermodynamics) and RL Harrington (Marine Engineering) bed time story books. I doubt whether many profs could do that.
Toolie, my GenSec. Also known as Gandhi, mere Baap. A retarded individual who prefers reading yesterday's news today (Times of India!!). My best critic. Who else will have the audacity to wake me up on a fine Sunday morning to say that my sequel of the pseud putter blog "was an overkill, wasn't that great or funny!"?? Tells me whatever he wants to my face, knowing fully well that I could thrash him (I would hurt a fly rather than toolie!). Probably the best GenSec (I am expecting a treat for this!!) Tapti has ever had. Always on the lookout for them to break up, so that he could swoop in and sweep the lady off her legs. The swooping or the sweeping never has happened, and we doubt whether it will. Some say that he took up the cookery contest (yeah, you heard it right!!) coordship to impress the lady. Can someone please tell him that the saying is "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" and not the other way round? More light on him will be thrown in blogs to come.
Insti aka Vikram. My best friend for hundreds of miles. My live-in roommate for past some days. He claims that his girl scares the living daylights outta him. One of the main reasons why I was tagged gay in my first semester. And it's deja vu again!! Brainy chap. Eats very slow. You can have breakfast with him and then come back for lunch to see him finishing up his breakfast. Recently given the security coordship in Saarang. He looks anything but a security coord. Skinny, mental monkey, as someone describes him. He must have made more visits to a hospital than the Union Health Minister himself this year. Sources tell me that the doctors and the nurses miss him.
Ayush. I miss the vision, man. Shaastra and quizzes have kept him busy. I will blog the full vision speech someday.
Kannada, a lovely language. As I wasn't learning anything of value here, I thought I would go at least learn a few languages. Knowing Tamizh and Telugu is a big advantage when learning Kannada. But don't make mistakes, like the one I just made. I went and asked busty" Maga, snanagay Hogona??", which essentially translates to "Will you come to bathe with me??". I will be starting on "Learn Kannada in 30 days" after my quizzes end. Shall blog about the experiences soon.
KK. 15. I think he wants us all to call him 15. You see it on him most of the time. Step out of your room, and look towards KK's room, and within seconds, you will see him run out and grab the No. 15 and make a big show of dusting it. Make sure you are 2 rooms away when you see him do it, lest all the sweat from the jersey hit you. Yes, he's one of the best defenders the hostel is having and contending to be the Insti's best defender. Has Zukk!! fundaes about babes. But he is improving. Girls are known to talk to him from time to time. Has thinned down a lot since last semester, it might be due "to a rich asian girl (5)". IMDB is his lifeline, and till some months back, used to think he owned it. There was a simple test conducted. We asked him to name all his favorite movies. He rattled off the IMDB top 250. Then we asked him to go from bottom to top. He couldn't.
Condom. I think I ought to call him Condom(e). Has a shiny, bright, new head on his shoulders. Plays football with utmost cool. Lazy chap, he could have made in to the insti team if he tried his best. Has this new thing of sticking whatever poster he gets in his room. Has the most virus-infected comp in the wing. His definition of cool varies like a sine-curve. So, you find him affable and friendly one day, and rude and nasty the next day. Loves the mess food, eats it with great gusto. Babes? He's the right person to catch. Fundaes on babes?? KK is better.
Watch this space for more...Condom. I think I ought to call him Condom(e). Has a shiny, bright, new head on his shoulders. Plays football with utmost cool. Lazy chap, he could have made in to the insti team if he tried his best. Has this new thing of sticking whatever poster he gets in his room. Has the most virus-infected comp in the wing. His definition of cool varies like a sine-curve. So, you find him affable and friendly one day, and rude and nasty the next day. Loves the mess food, eats it with great gusto. Babes? He's the right person to catch. Fundaes on babes?? KK is better.
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